Privacy Policy

Last edited 14th Oct 2024 18:20 UTC

Article 1. Basic Information

1. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski, headquartered in Gdansk at ul. Lancucka 12a/8, Tax ID PL5833456867, email:, phone: , acts as the Data Controller (ADO) and Data Processor (PPDO) in relation to its Clients and Users of products and services offered by Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski, collectively referred to as Clients.
2. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski acts as a Data Controller based on Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 (Regulation) - i.e., based on consent provided by the data subject.
3. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski acts as a Data Processor based on an agreement with the Data Controller under the Regulation.
4. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski does not knowingly process personal data of individuals under 16 years of age, unless consent is provided by their legal guardian.
5. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, do not visit Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski websites, do not use Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services, do not purchase Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski products and services, and do not subscribe to Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski publications.

Article 2. Purpose and Method of Processing Personal Data

1. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski processes the personal data of its Clients as a Data Controller to provide products and services supporting business and marketing activities on the Internet, for invoicing purposes, and for communication justified by the nature of the product or service.
2. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski, via the online business support services, processes the personal data of Clients of other entities as a Data Processor.
3. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski, with additional consent from Clients, processes their personal data as a Data Controller for direct marketing of products and services through electronic communication, mobile phones, profiling, and making automated decisions (marketing automation), offering and selling services and products (Marketing Consent).
4. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski processes personal data indefinitely, until a request for cessation of processing or data deletion is made, unless further processing is a legal obligation of Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski.
5. The person whose data is processed has the right to:
a. request Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski access to their personal data, correction, deletion, or restriction of processing;
b. object to processing, as well as request data portability;
c. withdraw Marketing Consent or any other consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
d. lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
    6. Actions described in Article 2, point 5, can be carried out after verifying the data subject's identity via automated systems or by contacting Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski or the supervisory authority in the case of point d.
    7. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski makes efforts to ensure that the data subject can exercise their rights as simply and automatically as possible. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski does not hinder the exercise of these rights unless doing so is in the significant interest of the data subject - for instance, deleting an account in a service that may have significant importance for the owner of that account.
    8. In the event of a data deletion request, Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski may retain some data necessary for statistical analysis or evidence purposes after anonymizing it. Deletion or anonymization of data from active databases is carried out without undue delay within the timeframes specified in the Regulation. Deletion or anonymization of data from archived databases is carried out within a few months due to maintaining the continuity of services.
    9. In very rare cases - such as a serious system failure or data integrity breach - data restoration from an archive may result in the restoration of processing of data for which consent was withdrawn or which was requested to be deleted, or in another form than requested for correction. In such a case, Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski will make efforts to notify the data subjects of such a situation along with a request to renew any applicable requests.

    Article 3. Categories of Personal Data

    1. While using websites and services owned or used by Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski, you may be asked to provide some of your personal data by filling out a form or in another way.
    2. The data you are asked to provide in most cases includes your name and email address. The email address is essential for communication with the Client and verifying their identity in the case of requests for changes/deletion of data. The name is used to facilitate communication and does not have to be real.
    3. In the case of order forms, you will be asked to provide personal data adapted to the type of product or service - for example, a postal address or phone number where justified by the nature of the product or service.
    4. In cases of cooperation agreements or agreements for providing Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services, you will additionally need to provide unique identifiers assigned to you by the country in which you reside - such as Tax ID, REGON, or PESEL for private individuals.
    5. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski always strives to require the minimum data necessary to perform a specific service.
    6. Providing personal data is always voluntary but may be essential for the provision of the service.

    Article 4. Recipients of Personal Data

    1. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski does not sell or share Clients' personal data with third parties for purposes other than supporting its own processing activities unless the Client gives separate consent - for example, by becoming a Client of a client of one of the services offered by Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski.
    2. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski shares the personal data of Clients for whom it is a Data Controller or Data Processor with other Data Processors to provide services and deliver ordered products. The data transfer is performed based on separate agreements. A list of these Data Processors can be found at
    3. Data Processors operating on behalf of Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski are located in Poland, other countries within the European Union (EU), and other countries or are international organizations. In the case of countries outside the EU, the legislation of these countries meets the requirements of the Regulation or appropriate security measures are implemented to meet the requirements of the Regulation.
    4. Data Processors operating on behalf of Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski are not entitled to process the data entrusted to them for purposes other than supporting Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services, unless the Client gives separate consent - for example, also being a user of a service provided by such an entity.

    Article 5. External Data Controllers Supported by Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski Services

    1. In the case of credit card payments, client servicing is taken over by a certified payment operator. Unless otherwise noted, only the payment operator knows and is responsible for the data provided in its forms. The payment operator's forms are located on its server and are secured by appropriate technologies.
    2. On Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski websites, there may be forms or other functionalities for providing personal data to a Data Controller other than Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski - for example, a user of a service provided by Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski to that user.
    3. A Client transferring their data to an external Data Controller using a Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski service or website consciously and voluntarily transfers their data to that Data Controller, and Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski is not responsible for the way that Data Controller processes the data. Where Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski has influence, Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski ensures safe and effective data transfer.
    4. Some Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services give their users full freedom to create forms, therefore Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski is not responsible for the security and accuracy of the forms created by a Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski service user.
    5. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski strives to ensure that Data Controllers using Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services comply with the Regulation and other applicable laws.

    Article 6. Unsolicited Messages

    1. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski reserves the right to send unsolicited messages to Clients whose contact details it has and who have agreed to this Privacy Policy.
    2. By unsolicited messages, Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski refers to electronic messages (emails and messages sent via other forms of electronic communication), SMS messages, automated or non-automated phone communication, messages sent to a physical address, and others.
    3. Unsolicited messages may include
    a. non-commercial messages directly related to Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski websites, journals, services, and products (e.g., changes, information about failures, and other information required by law),
    b. occasional messages (e.g., wishes, personal comments, etc.),
    c. marketing information and commercial information about Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski products, or those whose distribution has been paid for or results from cooperation with other entities.
    4. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski initiates the sending of unsolicited marketing or commercial messages only to Clients who have given Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski their consent to do so.
    5. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski does not initiate the sending of marketing or commercial messages to Clients of external Data Controllers who use Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services but, as a Data Processor, may carry out and provide technical support for the sending of such messages at the request of those Data Controllers.
    6. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski limits the initiation of non-commercial unsolicited messages to Clients of external Data Controllers using Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services to situations strictly required by law, by the operation of the service (e.g., subscription confirmation request), or significant interest of the recipients.
    7. Entities requesting the sending of marketing or commercial messages addressed to Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski Clients do not have access to the contact details of individuals on Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski mailing lists.
    8. Marketing and commercial information sent to Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski Clients is checked and filtered for the credibility of the message and the entity requesting it, to the extent possible. Their volume is limited, and they are sent sporadically.
    9. Information sent by external Data Controllers via Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski services is not checked or approved for content but may be monitored to detect activity inconsistent with Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski regulations or the law.

    Article 7. Public Personal Data

    1. Personal data provided on Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski websites in connection with comments on articles, forum posts, etc., may be available to all visitors of the pages containing that data. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski cannot protect Clients from individuals or entities who may use that data to send you unspecified information.
    2. Public personal data includes the name and surname provided by the Client, the website address, city of residence, photo shared on the Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski service or elsewhere, usernames in social networks and instant messengers.
    3. Any personal data provided by the Client in fields not intended for this purpose - such as the content of a comment, forum post, or profile description - will be made public at the Client's risk, and Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski takes no responsibility for this.
    4. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski may also publish other data if the user consents or if required by law - for instance, the address or phone number of a Client who is also a Data Controller using the Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski service.

    Article 8. Cookies

    1. Some areas of Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski websites may use cookies, which are small text files sent to the Client's computer to identify them in a way necessary to simplify or facilitate certain operations. Cookies are harmless to both the computer and the user and their data.
    2. For cookies to work, they must be accepted by the browser and not deleted from the disk.
    3. The Client can disable cookies in the browser settings or use the so-called incognito mode in the browser. Disabling or limiting cookies may restrict or prevent the use of some parts of the website.
    4. Ventureday P.S.A. & Piotr Majewski uses cookies for statistical purposes, marketing profiling, user authentication on the websites, adjusting the appearance of the websites to the Client's preferences and browsing history, and other marketing purposes.
    5. Cookies may contain user personal data, although in most cases it will only be the email address. This data is only available to the Client of the given computer as well as our services.

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